Shadow of the Real World

A few musings from Kansas by a high school literature teacher. Over the past few months, this blog has turned a commentary on media. I will probably continue to focus on film and television, but books and music might sneak in... By the way - If you would like me to post on a regular basis - please comment, even if it's just to say, "Hi." If my audience disappears, I lose the motivation to write! Thanks!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The List

This article on "The List" appeared in my inbox today. Boy, have I had this discussion a few times or what? Should we have a list of qualities we are looking for in a spouse? Or is that not trusting God? Or demanding something? Or hoping for God's best? Or should I just ignore the whole thing and live the life I have right now?

These are all questions that have come up several times over the past years in chats with other single women. I confess, I used to have quite a list. It included things like "makes me laugh" and "servant hearted leader" and "has patience with me about sports." There were also lots of frivolous entries.

Now my list has three bullet points. 1) loves God 2) loves me 3) is willing to dance with me in the living room every once in awhile (and I guess #3 is negotiable.) I believe that God has much, much more in store for me than I could ever dream up on a little list. Things I have never thought of, especially if my life will never include marriage. I was reading in Hosea the other day: "In that day," declares the Lord, "you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call me 'my master.' . . . I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord." Hosea 2:16,19-20.

I guess I am trying to look at the world and see how Jesus is pursuing me. What messages does he send me every day? If end of the story of my life here on earth is a wedding, then how does that play out today? If Jesus is the lover of my soul, shouldn't that be part of my life every day? I'm taking baby steps -- and he is faithful. (And I can't wait for flowers in my front yard!)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Woo Hoo!!

My roses arrived today! They look great. I wish I could post a picture, but I'll have to borrow my roommate's camera or wait 'til my parents get home next week. (Yes, next week!) The roses are spending the night in my garage, due to a slight chance of frost tonight. I'll put them outside tomorrow and then probably plant them on Saturday. My muscles are going to be crazy big because I've got to dig 2' X 2' holes for each of them!! (Okay, maybe I'm just going to be crazy sore...) Apparently, the roots can only grow into the soil as far as the original hole. So if I want the root system to be healthy, the hole has to be pretty big. Anyway - soon they should be blooming and I'll have flowers...

I think what I really love about this project is that it doesn't matter how much work I do, it's God who causes the roses to grow. If this turns out beautiful, it's because He created it. I hope that this flower garden turns into a love letter from Jesus.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Speaking of U2...'s another trailer.
Leonard Cohen I'm Your Man

In other news, I have no idea why the previous post decided to repeat three times. Or why that test says I have both "Very High Femininity" and "Very High Masculinity." Weird in a way I don't want to think about too much!! :-) I'm not sure what my "masculine" traits would be, but I am assuming that I can be completely feminine and still have them. Since I'm not really struggling with gender identity at all - I'm not too worried. :-) :-) (Although, I sure do like a good action flick. Maybe that's the problem...) :-) :-)

Anyway - I thought it was good for a laugh.

Another personality test...

I found this on Rick's blog. Fun.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Peaceful Warrior - something in this one is pushing my buttons. I'm not sure what. The metaphor of the warrior is a powerful one. We use it a lot in talking about following Jesus. Images of life as a battle are common. I'm interested to see how the metaphor applies here. Especially in regards to peace. It looks like it might be a little more than your average sports triumph movie.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I'm sorry I've kept everyone waiting for news about Mike. He did show up for class on Monday. We haven't had much chance to talk, but he's still struggling. At this point, I think that he knows what he's doing is wrong, he just doesn't want to give it up. (His words.) He says that this is the last time that he'll have a relationship with a guy, but I'm afraid that it's not going to be so easy. He is longing for acceptance and understanding and unconditional love (aren't we all?), and he thinks that he's found it in this relationship. He's uncomfortable with the physical aspects, but is willing to go through that to keep the relationship.

I'm just reminded that this is a fairly common story. How many of us are willing to put up with something in a relationship that is uncomfortable or wrong because we don't want to destroy what we have? We are often okay with settling for something much less than we really want, because we are afraid of losing what we have. It's the mudpies instead of the vacation at the beach that C.S. Lewis talks about.

You know, that fear is real. It's not that the risk isn't a real one. It is. It's just that the risk is worth taking. I'm speaking in a much broader sense than just Mike. How often do I settle for something that's "okay" when God might have something wonderful waiting in the wings if I step out in faith? Sure, it might not be there, but isn't it worth finding out? Sometimes I have the courage, and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I find something amazing, and sometimes I'm crushed. But I hope that I never give up on letting go of the mediocre in hopes of something better, more eternal and closer to the real design of my heart.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Update and a funny

Mike didn't come to school yesterday and I'm a little worried. If I don't see him on Monday, I'm going to try and track him down.

On a completely different note - if you are a fan of Friends or Buffy - check this out!
Buffy with Friends

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Why I Teach

Sometimes, like everyone else, I get discouraged in my job. I think this year has been especially rife with work related frustrations. It's been tough, and I've been losing sight of why I teach in the first place. Then I have a day like today.

I had a conversation today that I have never had before. During the morning, I noticed that one of my students looked pretty upset. Normally, Mike (not his real name) is a pretty upbeat kid. I had him in one of my classes last year and so I know him fairly well. (As well as any teacher can, I guess.) Anyway, I noticed that he was not doing well and so I asked him to run an errand for me to the counseling office. I know that students, especially guys, don't like to let their emotions show in class and sometimes they are incredibly grateful if they can just be out of the room for a few minutes to collect their thoughts.

Anyway - before Mike left for the counseling office, he quietly pulled me aside and asked which counselor he should see if he had a problem with something to do with sex. This, of course, raised a ton of red flags for me so I told him which counselor I thought could help. I assumed that he found out his girlfriend was pregnant. (This is much more common than most people think it is.)

He came back to class pretty quick and had clearly not talked to anyone about his issue. I pulled him aside and asked if he had found who he was looking for. He hadn't and his body language was practically begging me to ask him what was wrong. So I did. I told him that he could talk to me if he needed an adult ear. That opened the floodgates.

Mike told me that he had his first homosexual experience last night and started crying. He pulled out a sheet of paper that he had used to write down what had happened. He was so terrified of talking about it, but so desperate to tell. We talked for just a few minutes because I didn't want to draw any more attention to him than absolutely necessary. (During all of this, my class was working on small group discussions. I don't think they noticed anything amiss.)

Anyway - I told Mike that if he needed to talk, he could come back during lunch and I would listen. He instantly relaxed and said that he wanted to talk. Well - at this point, I was freaking out a little because this is way out of my league. Mike was tearing up, and I said he could go collect himself in the restroom across the hall.

I spent most of 4th hour praying and frantically e-mailing a friend and the youth leader at my church, Jeremy. Jeremy wrote back with some great advice that consisted primarily of -- listen to his story. I knew that, but it was comforting to hear that I didn't have to have the perfect words. God has them and knows what Mike needs.

So - lunch time comes and Mike comes in immediately. I left the door open, of course, and the teacher across the hall could see our conversation. (This is important, because I am a little worried about having such an intense discussion with a male student. Things can get sticky and I'm glad that Tim was there.) Anyway - Mike told me his story. The actual event from last night wasn't the key issue, in my opinion. The first thing I said to him when he sat down was that nothing he could tell me, nothing he had done or would ever do could change the fact that he is a very special young man with incredible value. The tears just started to pour down his face. I'm not sure that anyone has told ever told him that. I'm getting a little teary right now as I type this.

In his words, he comes from a very religious family and is afraid he is going to hell. He wants to be a good Christian example for his little sister, but he is so desperately tired of trying to be perfect. I could just see the weight of trying to measure up to what are probably impossible standards. He talked a lot about "doing" bad things and being afraid. I talked a little about not being as concerned with his behavior as I am with his heart. This also caused tears to fall.

He talked about how he knows that this relationship can't last. He wants a family and children someday and will probably end it this summer. I think he wants to get out, but doesn't know how. In his words, this guy offers him a friendship that is completely understanding and accepting and he doesn't get that anywhere. He wants the acceptance and understanding, but is scared and unsure how to react to the sex. (At this point, I was so out of my comfort zone that I just didn't know what to do, other than offer him a listening ear.) His talk about his family and God opened up a little door to talk about God caring about his heart also. I think that he has been pretty traumatized with, "You shouldn't sin. You'll go to hell!" How do I show him the love of God? He is just at the beginning of experimenting with homosexuality and yet, I can see that if he keeps going down this road -- he'll lose the part of his heart that makes him cry now. That breaks my heart. I don't want him to be hardened.

I don't know if God has more for me with Mike, but please pray for him. He is a special young man with an amazing heart. I know that there is a battle for his heart. I saw a big piece of that today. Please pray that he would hear truth and listen to the part of his heart that is telling him that this relationship isn't what he is looking for.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bugs Bunny and the rest of the gang...

These are for Liam - I hope Bugs and the gang give you a trip back to you childhood! :-)

Monday, April 10, 2006

My garden so far...

Here are a few pictures to help you see the task at hand! :-) This is not even close to finished. (Although I think I passed the half way point sometime Saturday afternoon!!) :-) :-)

This is a view of the yard after the first pass with the rototiller. There is about 400 pounds of composted manure in little piles.

Here is what it looks like now. (The monster machine is in the garage...) It needs about two more passes with the tiller and then a thick layer of mulch. I hope to have the roses planted in about two weeks or so. I'll post more pics when it's further along!

P.S. - The dead redbud tree is on the schedule with the landscaping company to be replaced. Someday I'll have a pretty tree!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Didn't want to wake up this morning...

I don't think I have EVER been as sore as I am this morning. I spent yesterday wrestling with shovels, dirt, and a very large rototiller. I also put 1000 pounds of manure in my new garden. Yes, 1000 pounds. I actually had to deal with that several times, as there wasn't anyone to help me load it and then I had to get it off the truck into the garden. (Mom - it felt like that day we lifted the ton of tile.) However, I've got a good start on the garden. I need to take at least two more passes with the tiller and then I think I'll be ready to plant. Although it was back breaking, I feel like I've really accomplished something. It's a nice feeling!

BTW - my friend Patrick let me borrow his VERY BIG diesel truck to move stuff around yesterday. It was a lot of fun driving around town in that. I looked at all the tiny little regular pickups and laughed at their tinyness! :-) :-)

Monday, April 03, 2006

If you hear a thump 911

My 32nd birthday was last Thursday and I planned to write something very pithy, meaningful, inspiring and insightful. Yeah, that didn't work out so well. I had nothin'.

So, in lieu of an inspiring birthday message - I bring you my tasks for today. We had a massive thunderstorm this weekend and I decided I probably needed to clean out the rain gutters sometime soon. So this afternoon I climbed up my very rickety ladder to the roof and balanced on the edges of it and pulled mud and sticks out of my gutter. (How does MUD get in the gutter?? Does it bounce up there??) Then I decided that my lawn was looking pretty bare, so I pulled out the grass seed and sprinkled some around. Then I needed to hook up the hose to water the new grass seed so that it will sprout. (This was turning into a major afternoon by this point.) :-) :-) Anyway - hopefully soon I will have new fescue and my gutters will run clean. (Ah, the joys of home ownership.)

This weekend I am going to finally dig my new flowerbeds. I've got a friend with a rototiller, so I hope I can borrow it. The weather has not been cooperating, but I think this weekend will be good. (I only hope I can find the keys to my dad's truck! I need to haul some dirt and compost.)

Back to thoughts about my birthday. It felt quite international. My parents called me from Africa and my sister called from Thailand. (She actually lives in India, but she and my bro-in-law were in Thailand for business and R&R.) My brother was the only immediate family in the States and he called from Florida. (He was actually on the beach! The bum...) :-) :-) Aunt Susan called from Oklahoma. I was able to eat lunch with the people my parents are visiting in Africa. (Yes - you read that right. My parents are visiting friends in Africa, but those friends were in my town for a few days visiting their son and his wife. So we had lunch in Manhattan while my parents were at their house in Nairobi. Crazy world.)

So, I'm thirty-two now. Honestly, I hope 32 is better than 31. Thirty-one was pretty crappy. The signs are not so good right now. I had a very discouraging meeting at work today. There are some indications that my district is not going to cough up the money to hire some new teachers for my department. This means that classes will be between 26 and 33 students. (Yes, 33!!!!) It's insane and no one can be expected to teach effectively under those circumstances. I'm considering selling my house, moving in with my parents and just hiding under my pillow for a year!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Stargate quiz

I couldn't resist this one either. It ended up exactly the way I thought it would. Of course I'm Daniel Jackson! He's the nerdiest. :-) :-) (However, I'm a little worried that, according to the dumb little quiz, I'm 18% Goa'uld. Yikes!)
Your results:
You are Daniel Jackson

Daniel Jackson
Samantha Carter
Jack O'Neill
General Hammond
Dr. Frasier
A Goa'uld
You are sensitive to the needs of
others and are a good communicator.
You always stand up for the little guy.

Click here to take the Stargate SG-1 Personality Quiz

New quiz for a new month

These are all sort of silly, but come on--haven't you always wanted to know which superhero you are? Apparently I'm:
Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
The Flash
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...