Shadow of the Real World

A few musings from Kansas by a high school literature teacher. Over the past few months, this blog has turned a commentary on media. I will probably continue to focus on film and television, but books and music might sneak in... By the way - If you would like me to post on a regular basis - please comment, even if it's just to say, "Hi." If my audience disappears, I lose the motivation to write! Thanks!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Lady in the Water - this is M. Night Shyamalan's new film. I'm not sure what it's about, but I think I love that about this trailer. It really bugs me when a trailer gives away the main plot points of the movie. It should just tease me enough that I want to see the film. This does. Is it about mermaids? Then why the swimming pool? And I like the maintenance man.

G - This is a hip-hop version of The Great Gatsby. I'm not sure what I think about it, but the trailer certainly follows the story. I think when I teach Gatsby this spring, I'm going to show my class the trailer as a way to talk about the major themes in the book. They are still relevant and I think students often miss that.

Memoirs of a Geisha - I might have put this one up before. It is based on an excellent novel. I also love the actors and director. I'm looking forward to seeing the final result.

Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World - This could be really good. Or really bad. I'm definitely intrigued.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Thoughts for today

We had a bomb go off at my school today. It's been a little weird. I didn't even hear it. My principal sent out an e-mail to staff that a chemical bomb went off in A-Hall. Honestly, I wasn't even sure what a chemical bomb was. It kinda freaked me out.

It turns out that the whole thing was a prank more than anything else. It was a small bomb. (That seems like a weird sentence.) Anyway - the police took the student away, but I guess I still feel a little strange. What if it hadn't been a small bomb? I was trying to think what I would have done. If there is a threat, the principal announces on the intercom that we are in a lockdown. But today, my class was in the library. My student teacher was working with them and I was up here in my room grading essays. I realized that my first instinct was to lock my door behind me and race down the half flight of stairs to the library. Yet, that's probably not a good idea. But, I couldn't just lock myself in my room alone when my students are downstairs. Anyway - I'm just a little shaken up by the whole thing. It probably wouldn't be that hard to put a real bomb in the school. There are just too many entrances and too many people. That's a little frightening. We rely on the good will of teenagers to keep a safe environment and it only takes one who doesn't want it to create a disaster.

What has happened to this generation? I realize that I am not the first person to ask this question...I guess I'm just wondering a little more today.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Take a look

I just have to share this with you. I love this house. Okay, not to live there -- I wouldn't be able to breathe after ten minutes inside. But, these people have gone crazy with adapting their house for their cats. It's pretty cool. One thing I love is that it's so creative. And has quite a bold use of color. I love color, but I'm not that bold. In some ways, I wish I was! Anyway -- enjoy The Cat's House.

I certainly don't think that pets should run your life, but it looks like these people have just had a ton of fun! :-) I love the idea of living in an ever changing art project. Unfortunately, the practical side of me keeps whispering, "Resale value. Resale value." Oh well, a girl can dream...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tony on the Doctor and Joss on Mars

Anthony Head in Doctor Who - Giles will join the Doctor...I'm interested to see how this plays out. I have only recently become a fan of the long running British sci-fi series, but it's certainly intriguing on multiple levels. Tony says that the new actor playing the Doctor is spot on. Looking forward to see the new series. (The British refer to each new season of a show as a "series.")

Also - all you lucky people who get UPN -- Joss Whedon has a cameo in Veronica Mars tonight. Check it out. The man is a genius, but the jury is out on his acting chops. We'll see...

Just in case you're interested...

Too much...

As most of you know, I love TV on DVD. Love it. I also love science fiction, especially Star Trek . It has a very special place in my heart for several reasons, not the least of which is that Star Trek and Star Wars were my first loves in sci-fi. My mom and I used to watch The Next Generation together. In fact, I remember that we snuck off to a hotel during fall conference when I was in middle school to watch the premiere of season one. (Okay - that might be a false memory, but I do remember sneaking off with Mom at some point to watch Star Trek... Mom? What's the real story?)

So - here is the point to this little post. I found this on Amazon...

This is just crazy. I would LOVE to own all of Star Trek on DVD. I would even be willing to sacrifice a little to buy it. BUT - I am not spending $2,500. to own it! This is with the Amazon discount. These seasons (28) are $120 full price. That's $3,360. Plus the ten movies at $15-20 a pop (another $150-200). Anyway - I wish I had money to burn, but I don't. I think the thing that frustrates me the most is that many shows are much, much cheaper. Most TV seasons list for $35-50. That is much more manageable. I can justify spending around $2 per episode when I watch them more than once and many of my friends borrow them. But $6 per episode - nope. If Paramount would sell Star Trek at a comparable price, I think they would see a huge increase in buyers. These shows have a wider appeal than Stargate, Babylon 5, or Farscape. Unfortunately, the price has limited the market potential to die-hard fans who are wealthy.

I am encouraged by news from The X-Files camp. This is another series that has had a list price of $120. I'd be interested in the show if it were cheaper, but there's no way I'll spend that. In January, Season One will be $37.48. That's almost a no brainer for me. Of course I'll get it. If only Star Trek would do this also...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Link for Mom

Back to the book thing

First of all - you may notice a link or two off to the right for specific items. These are books or DVDs that people have told me they plan to buy and want to donate a little to my site by purchasing them through a link here. (If you have something you know you are going to purchase and want to send a few pennies my way, just let me know and I'll put a link for it up here.) Anyway - my mom is recommending For Women Only to several people, so that link might stay up for awhile.

Back to what I was talking about on Monday... I'm not sure what is going on with me and books. I still love to read, but I've noticed recently that I would rather re-read something I have read before than try something new. It's similar with DVDs. I find myself wanting to watch stories that I have seen before as much, or more, than I want to watch something new. I wonder why?

I believe that part of it is that there is something comforting to me in knowing the outcome. It's sort of like putting on a well-worn pair of jeans and ratty sweater and settling in with a cup of cocoa in the winter. I re-read the Chronicles of Narnia every few years and love the stories every time.

However, there is something else going on. I go to the bookstore with every intension of buying a new book, yet come home empty-handed. Or I start a new book, only to put it down after three or four chapters because I'm bored with the story and the characters. Or (and this has happened several times recently) I give up on the book because I just don't like any of the characters. Why would I choose to spend a few hours with people that I don't like? There is a genre of literature that I find particularly annoying when it comes to this. Chick Lit.

First of all, the name irritates me. Chick Lit? We don't have a section of the book store called "Dude Lit." And even if we did, what would be in it? Sports books? Hunting instruction manuals? How condescending is that? Why is it acceptable to name a genre of books after a gender, especially since we already have "Women's Lit." I don't actually object to being called a "chick." (Or as a friend in China used to say, "Baby Chicken!") Stuff like that doesn't offend me. What I get offended at is the idea that this type of Lit is for me. Yuck. It's all about bitter angry women who are harsh and have destructive relationships with men. I've actually tried to make it through several books. Confessions of a Shopaholic. The Devil Wears Prada. The Nanny Diaries. I gave up on all of them. I did enjoy Bridget Jones' Diary, but that has been the exception. The main characters just irritate me. Is this behavior that I am supposed to think is healthy? Please. These women desperately desire a man to make their life complete and then get bitter when it doesn't happen. Or they are harsh characters determined to go through life not needing men. Can't we have stories about modern men and women where the main characters are decent people struggling through real issues and doing their best to find genuine connection? (Maybe this is something I should write? Hmmmm....)

So - I'm not giving up on books - not at all! I just want to find something good that I can really sink my teeth into. Any suggestions??