Shadow of the Real World

A few musings from Kansas by a high school literature teacher. Over the past few months, this blog has turned a commentary on media. I will probably continue to focus on film and television, but books and music might sneak in... By the way - If you would like me to post on a regular basis - please comment, even if it's just to say, "Hi." If my audience disappears, I lose the motivation to write! Thanks!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

quotes that connect

I just watched the trailer for Garden State, the new indie film by Zach Braff. There was a quote that touched something in me. The character is talking about his sense of home and how the house that he grew up in is not the same place anymore. That house doesn't exist because of the changes that time forces on us. He said, "Maybe that's all family is - a group of people who miss the same imaginary place."

I just went on a wonderful vacation with my family. It was relaxing and a time to connect. I'm so grateful for the fam...but at the same time, being around them is such a stark reminder of the way life changes and never goes back. The times and places in my memory have vanished (and I'm not even sure that they ever existed.) Perhaps I create the memory as years go by. How much does our act of remembering alter the event?

'kay - that's getting a bit too deep for sitting alone on a Tuesday night.

So - update on the painting. A few kitchen cabinet doors are up and I've begun painting the doors to the bedrooms. My garage has turned into the haven for lost white furniture.

It's times like this when being single really sucks mud. I want to get ridiculously philosophical and then laugh at the pretentiousness of me. It's hard to build laughter alone. And by the time I call a friend - the moment has passed. It's passed anyway. Moving on...

I'm headed to a reunion of college friends tomorrow. My ex-boyfriend will be there. I think we might get coffee. (It's the non-relationship drink of choice, according to Willow Rosenburg.) I was in love with him for 4 years of college. (I'm nothing if not a tad obsessive.) It's not that I'm still in love - but the memory is still there and kind of iches like a wound that has almost healed. Back to memory...maybe I'm just maudlin tonight. I'll get over it. I'm off to read Tad Williams' Otherworld. I haven't decided if I like it yet. Another 300 pages or so and I'll let you know.


Saturday, June 12, 2004

Are doors essential?

Sure - the front and back door are key. Security and all that. But -- interior doors? Do we really need them? Esp. kitchen cabinet doors! If they are half painted and sitting in a certain person's garage... couldn't they just stay there? They seem to be content. I'm foodstuffs are easy to see and reach. Hmmm...

Friday, June 11, 2004

Well - not what I was expecting...

I had a completely different film in mind.

Somewhere out there is an ensemble cast film with Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson where friends sit around in a house and talk. This film was another "friends sit around in a house and talk" movie, but certainly didn't star Alan. Hmmm....which movie am I thinking of??? (It's going to bug me until I remember.) Of course, I could always cheat and look it up - but where is the fun in that? I know it's not "Playing by Heart"...

"Love! Valor! Compassion!" was an interesting film. I enjoyed the characters and the story. It made me both laugh out loud (Jason Alexander in a tutu performing Swan Lake) and cry (several characters dealing with the reality of death, AIDS, and cheating partners.) It had some flaws and I'm not sure what I think about the end and the voice overs, but on the whole - a good story with believable interaction for the most part. (Of course, I would prefer a happy ending, but that is the utter sappiness of me.)

Well, I'm off to paint my kitchen cabinets (and rack my brain about that other film.)

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Ode to the Electric Screwdriver...

Ah...electric screwdriver. I am sending this praise of you out into the void...

Seriously - it's the best investment I have made on my home remodeling project. (When you read "project," read "completely gutting the entire house and starting from scratch!") Best $13 I've spent this spring.

I am facing a wiring project that needs to get done, but I think I'm going to watch "Love! Valor! Compassion!" instead. I mean really - who can resist Alan Rickman? Certainly not I. Speaking of dear Alan -- the latest Harry Potter movie was fabulous. I highly recommend it. Especially for those of us who like character development with our fantasy series.

Alan is calling me from the DVD player...TTFN

At the beginning

This is new. I'm sitting at my desk trying to think of something brilliant to begin this blog. (Which I honestly doubt anyone will stumble upon.) :-)

I should probably clean and finish painting my house (or at least make breakfast), but surfing the web for good fanfic is much more enticing.

So - opening details... I am a high school literature teacher who is taking a quiet summer to recover from the year and finch remodeling her house. I just turned 30 and still don't feel much older than my students. Maybe that's because I'm single with no kids. Hmmm.... How much does your self concept change when "I" becomes a "we" ???

Take care all!

P.S. - If you want to get the title of this blog - read "The Last Battle."