Comments and DVDs
Hello Everyone - It's Saturday and I don't have to go in to work. Oh Happy Day!! :-) I honestly can't wait for the end of May. While I do love my students and teaching, there comes a point in the year when exhaustion takes over. I think I reached that point about two weeks ago. :-)
BTW - I would like to give many thanks and a shout out to a hero who came and fixed my wireless network a few nights ago. He spent a good three hours cleaning up the mess I had made of my computer. You know who you are -- thanks so much!
Several people have asked me about the website where I catalog my DVD collection. It's called It's a great free site where you can catalog your DVD collection and keep track of what you have, what categories your movies are in and other people can log on to see your collection. I use it for people who want to borrow one of my movies, but don't want to come over and stare at my shelf for 20 minutes trying to make a decision. :-) So - if you know who I am and are one of those people who do like to borrow my movies, just log on and do a search for my user name. It's "withjoy".
Okay - random question - the period is supposed to go inside the quotation marks, but if I had put it inside those quotation marks, it would look like my user name included the period. Aggghhhh... Sometimes the English language drives me nuts!
On another note - if you are reading this and find it helpful or mildly entertaining -- could you put a quick comment up? I am enjoying running this blog, but if no one is reading it, then I probably won't continue. The only way I know that an audience exists is if you comment. I changed the settings so that anyone can comment. You don't have to be a member of
I watched the series finale of Jag this morning. (It was on last night, but I was meeting with a group from my church.) Anyway - I gave up on the show several years ago. I just got so completely frustrated with the Harm and Mac dynamic. They kept the UST (unresolved sexual tension) going between those two for FAR too long. It just got ridiculous and I got too frustrated. Anyway - I wanted to see how they ended it so I recorded the final episode last night. Interesting. They used a lot of flashbacks to remind the audience of the "moments" the two had shared over the past eight or nine years. (Harm had a different partner who I liked a lot better in the beginning.) The flashbacks frustrated me. It's the LAST episode of your show! Don't take up the limited time you have with showing pieces of other episodes. Yes - it was a nice tie-in to previous choices, but the same purpose could have been served with Harm and Mac actually talking through their issues. The writers gave us almost nothing for a resolution. They did get engaged, but we didn't get to see any of the character growth. It all happened off screen and we are just supposed to accept that they resolved their issues with a coin toss. Hmmm. Yeah, right. Also - does anyone else notice that they seemed to have cloned Bud for NCIS in the character of Tim McGee? (Although I like McGee better.)