Trailers, at last...
The Second Chance - Michael W. Smith?? In a movie? At first, I thought this would be incredibly dumb. But, after looking at the trailer, it seems to be a cut above the typical Christian movie. I have hopes that the story is not lost in the agenda. I might actually watch this one.
Ultraviolet - just looks fun. Girl kicks butt and takes names. What's not to like?
Water - I am intrigued by stories from India. Here is one that I want to see.
V for Vendetta - I'm always interested in movies that are based on comic books and graphic novels. This one deals with politics, power, and vengence. (And Natalie Portman is always amazing.)
Friends with Money - I keep hoping that Jennifer Aniston will hit her stride in film. Maybe this will be it.
Don't Come Knocking - great cast and I can't quite figure it out from the trailer. I like that. And it's about an actor. With Sam Shepard as the lead. Interesting.
Joyeux Noel - The story of Christmas Eve in 1914 in a battlefield in France. This looks amazing.
and just for fun, even though I've put them up before...
Superman Returns - I can't wait!! :-) :-)
X-Men 3 - Looking forward to more Wolverine and Rogue.
I watched the trailer for Second Chance, and it looks interesting. I might watch it. As you do, I hope the story surpasses the agenda. They have some intriguing issues to talk about in the film, I just hope they do it justice.
V For Vendetta - can't wait. Did you catch the Superbowl teaser? If I wasn't interested before (which I was), I am now. It looks great, and I hope its a story that gets people talking, especially in today's world. The only thing that worries me is that the Wachowski Brothers of the terrible Matrix sequels are behind it. I hope they don't blow it.
Ultraviolet has such a unique and cool look to it. I wish they had moved the release date up instead of back.
Don't Come Knocking - this intrigues me. Of Course, I'm a sucker for anything even remotely western and character driven. Last year's An Unfinished Life was a good modern western (even in spite of J-LO's presence, since Redford, Freeman, & the cinematography more than made up for it) and I hope this will be a good story too. Plus, it's got a fantastic cast - Shepard, Roth, Lange, Polley, and Eva Marie Saint...
X-Men 3 - yes, I hope they throw us fans a bone or two with some Wolverine/Rogue moments, but I'm not holding my breath after the direction X2 went. Still, I can't wait to see this after that great trailer. May is such a long way off...
Ultraviolet--what is it about "girl kicks butt kind of movies"? I am intrinsically attracted to them for whatever reason. Same reason that I was originally attracted to Alias and the Trinity character in Matrix.
Friends with Money--I know what you mean about Jen. I hope this one works -- for the mere fact that I really love Joan Cusack.
The Second Chance--Hmmm...trailer is okay, but I have a hard time getting excited about overtly Christian movies. Very few have really failed to deliver...of course, this one could be different.
thanks for the trailers. I'm still waiting for your review of Tristan & Isolde. Do I need to buy you a ticket?
Okay - here's my take on Tristan and looks like it's got some unnecessary sex and not the greatest adaptation/screenplay. I'm waiting until someone else tells me what they think (and fills me in on the content.) It's probably going to be a renter for me unless you and Kristen want to go see it with me. (That would be fun!) I realize that I'm judging it on one trailer...but it's hard for me to spend $7 on a movie ticket if I'm by myself and not that interested in the film.
I love it when you have trailers on your blog! I am already captivated by WATER. I had only seen a picture advertising the movie and was drawn to it. I should probably wait to actually watch it before I call it my new favorite!
Second Chance--I am just wondering if the guy listed as the creator/director (which?) is THE infamous, "out of the box" CCM artist from the 80's/90's (no....not MWS) Steve Taylor. I guess it is nice to see these old guys (Smith and Taylor) still stretching themselves. I hope it is better than good.
Friends With Money looks great---Jen has at least surrounded herself with strong women! This looks good.
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