Happy Valentine's Day
For several reasons, I have been thinking about relationships between men and women lately. Today seems to be a good day to ramble through some thoughts on the subject. I'm of two minds when it comes to Valentine's Day. On one hand, it seems to be such a fake holiday. The greeting card companies, flower shops and candy makers profit and the rest of us feel bad. If you aren't in a relationship, then you feel incredibly left out. If you are, then your partner often fails to live up to your expectations and the day is a disappointment. It seems to be a bummer for many people I know. On the other hand -- it's a holiday that celebrates love. How wonderful is that? Even if it does focus on romantic love, it's still a beautiful idea. (And I will always have the dream that something amazing will happen on Valentine's Day. It never does, but the holiday is certainly filled with possibility. That's not a bad thing.) So, in conclusion -- I don't know what I think about February 14th.
On a similar note, I have been watching The Bachelor recently. A friend at work (male) has been watching it with his girlfriend and telling us about it at lunch. Then several people in a class I am teaching started watching it. So, I joined in. At first, I really enjoyed it. It was fun to see the story play out, especially in the early days. But now, hearts are engaged. Last night, it was down to three remaining women. Travis, the bachelor, took each of them to an exotic location for an extended date. This seemed to be a chance for them to spend some one-on-one time with each other and get away from the craziness of the show. The problem is that he's doing it with three different women. How can this end well? For two women, their hearts will be broken; for the third -- her man has given pieces of his heart to other women. How tragic.
I was actually a little uncomfortable watching these relationships. To add to the awkwardness, at some point in the evening the couple is offered the chance to "forgo their individual rooms and spend the night as a couple in the fantasy suite." Now - this could definitely be a night of chatting and getting to know each other away from the cameras, but it is certainly implied by the show and the way the footage is edited that Travis had sex with each of these three women. I think that some of that is manipulated. The show is edited to keep us guessing and somewhat titillated, but still -- the fact that this is implied is disturbing. Why is this seen as 1) normal and 2) a necessary part of deciding who he should fall in love with? Why has much of the world lost the delight and mystery in sex? Why can't this be a private thing between a husband and wife that leads to deeper emotional intimacy? Am I just being naive? In addition, I'm definitely outside a social circle that has casual sex, but I'm wondering if a piece of this translates in my world. What if I'm a bad kisser? Is this going to be an issue if I'm ever in a relationship? It's been 12 years since I've kissed anyone, so maybe I've forgotten how! :-) :-) (Okay, maybe not!) :-) But still, is that part of the evaluation process? What if we don't have "chemistry"? Can we allow that to grow, or is the relationship doomed without it?
Anyway, I am definitely disturbed by the way this show has treated the idea of sex before marriage. I think that there is more in my response than just that I think it's wrong. There's something else bothering me and I can't figure out what it is.
Wow...great thoughts, my friend. (It would have been a better conversation in our pjs and over coffee, though!:)) Yes, The Bachelor and the way it promotes relationships does raise many questions for me as well. The very first season it was interesting to watch...but after seeing what was promoted as well as the aftermath the couple went through (the media hype of the relationships after the show was over), it no longer appealed to me. For this hopeless romantic, it just makes me sad to watch people pursue a relationship that truly doesn't have much of a chance of working out, you know?
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day, my friend!! You are loved deeply from my little corner of the world!
I think you summed up the whole issue of the Bachelor show in one sentence - "How can this end well?"
Feb 14 is a purely commercialistic day, even if the idea behind it was a rather good one. I usually just tend to ignore it all. I'm single and haven't felt left out of anything. I'm just glad I can save my money, but then I'm a cynical and pragmatic sort of person.
I don't think you're naive in your view of sex before marriage, and I think you're smart to be giving it these thoughts. I'm a single guy, and I'm not in favour of casual sex. And that's not strictly in a right or wrong sense. There's too many things that can go wrong and have negative life changing effects for what could amount to one night of pleasure. If you're in a deep relationship and have sex before marriage, that's one thing. But the casual sex and the way it is perceived as a normal and fast step in the dating process (by that TV show and everywhere else) just seems like a bad idea that flies in the face of common sense.
Interesting, though, to read similarly voiced thoughts on the "will this be an issue if I'm ever in a relationship?" thing. Still, I wouldn't worry about it too much. That part of it can have a way of working out if the rest of it is real. Looking around at marriages and long term relationship life, you've got to figure most of it has nothing to do with sex, so there are more important issues to find common ground on first.
Good luck on figuring it all out, just the same.
(sorry for the long post - hadn't meant for it to get so verbose ;-)
Hmmmm...The Bachelor. I'm really hoping that this show is not how young people of today really are, however, I suspect that a lot of them are. Frankly Jill that show kinda makes me want to throw up! Well, I'm old so ya know!!! I have really only watched completely the first season. Your youngest cousin watched it with me and even at his tender young age at the time (may 12? or 13?) he was saying "Mom, that's crazy. How could you EVER choose someone that way?" course that was also coupled with phrases like "That's sick!!!" hahaha Nope you aren't naive.
Oh and by the way... HAPPY LATE VALENTINE'S DAY! You must know how you are loved!!! When you are younger I think Valentine's Day is a bigger deal as far as NOT being someone's. When you get older, even if you do have a "valentine" as I do it's more like "oh yeah, happy valentine's day", did you pay the water bill???" haha
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