Shadow of the Real World

A few musings from Kansas by a high school literature teacher. Over the past few months, this blog has turned a commentary on media. I will probably continue to focus on film and television, but books and music might sneak in... By the way - If you would like me to post on a regular basis - please comment, even if it's just to say, "Hi." If my audience disappears, I lose the motivation to write! Thanks!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Joss is up to something...

I have been trying to put my sound system together tonight. I gave up. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. I am a reasonably intelligent woman, but all these wires drive me crazy. At this moment, I just can't face the thought of unhooking the various electronics and hooking them back up through the receiver. It's like a mountain (okay, a small hill) that I just can't get up the energy to climb.

In other news, I found a very creepy clip on the Net tonight. Apparently, Joss and Universal are doing some interesting marketing for Serenity. This clip has nothing to identify it as part of the Firefly universe. However, it has started people talking. Be warned - this very creepy... R. Tam Session 416.

On a lighter note - I thought I'd go back to my TV meme and answer a few questions...

1. Who is your favorite stand-up comedian of all time?
Bill Cosby. No question. He is genuinely funny and doesn't resort to shock humor. I must confess that early Eddie Murphy makes me fall out of my seat laughing, but it also makes me uncomfortable. I'm not sure I would even enjoy his earlier humor today. Chris Rock had a pretty funny stand up show last year. He talked about rap music being indefensible. In the early days, you could defend it -- but no longer. Funny... I also think Ellen is pretty funny.
2. Which one could you do without? (Not your type of humor, or just plain stupid!)
Margaret Cho. She's mean and angry. I don't like angry comedians.

3. Which comedian do you think has gone on to have a great career aside from doing stand-up?
Robin Williams. Steve Martin. Bill Cosby. Bob Hope.

~Bonus~ If you went to a comedy club on amateur night, and they gave you some jokes and a microphone, would you go onstage?
Well - I already go up and do karaoke and, as my friends and family well know, I can't sing. So, I guess I would. It would be helpful to have a little material prepared... Catch me in the right mood and I'm not afraid of making an idiot of myself.


At August 24, 2005 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you like some help with the sound system?


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