Shadow of the Real World

A few musings from Kansas by a high school literature teacher. Over the past few months, this blog has turned a commentary on media. I will probably continue to focus on film and television, but books and music might sneak in... By the way - If you would like me to post on a regular basis - please comment, even if it's just to say, "Hi." If my audience disappears, I lose the motivation to write! Thanks!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A New Meme

I am really enjoying this "meme" thing. :-) (In case I didn't explain it before, a meme is a list of questions, usually related to a particular topic.) I found a music meme at Note of the Day. (I haven't read any of this blog outside of the music questions, so there might be content issues.)

I am leaving for Florida tomorrow with my immediate family to visit my brother and sister-in-law. Yes, we are driving. That's 24 hours one way without stopping in a mini-van with my mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law. If we didn't love each other deeply, I think there could be some serious bodily harm in our future. :-) The trip might turn into a film festival, but I'm not sure the technical details are going to get worked out in time.

I'm looking forward to Florida, but if you know me in real life -- be prepared for "Crazy Jill" for a week or two on my return. Hopefully it'll only take a week or two to get life settled into a routine. I refuse to let the massive workload I am anticipating drive my life. There is more to it than that! (Darn those teaching responsibilities!) P.S. - If any of you know about good AP English resources on the Net, please send some URLs my way. I feel a little bit like a robin trying to swim upriver. This whole AP thing is a little overwhelming.

In honor of the roadtrip - here is the music question of the day.
What music do you like best for a roadtrip? Do you like relaxing music to get you into that kicked-back vacation mode, or songs that really get you revved up & excited?
It completely depends. If I am alone and driving, I need VERY peppy music. I mean stuff I can sing to and even do a little car dancing. :-) I often like nostalgia music in the car. Any arena rock from the 70's and 80's is a good thing. If the band used more hairspray than me - I probably like them. Favs here are Bon Jovi, Journey, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Whitesnake, etc. I confess that I even liked Kip Winger. :-) (Please don't toss any metaphorical vegetables...) :-) I also like really cheesy pop than I can sing along with. Carpenters, etc. Or techno that I sing along with. Or country that I can sing along with. Are you catching the theme here? It's sometimes hard for me to stay awake in the car. Singing helps. :-)

If I'm on a road trip with someone, we are usually talking or introducing each other to music we haven't encountered before. (This led to my new enjoying of The Flaming Lips.) I love listening to bands I would never pick up on my own.

On another note :-) I also enjoy a good book on tape in the car. My favorite is the unabridged Lord of the Rings. The narrator is amazing. I picked it up at a used CD store. There is just something about listening to the story that is completely different from reading the exact same words. I appreciate all the poetry and songs. (I confess I skipped most of them when I read.) Bad Dee, bad. The radio plays for The Chronicles of Narnia are also lovely. Check them out if you get a chance.


At August 03, 2005 11:09 PM, Blogger alethea said...

Ok...I hope you are ok with me having LOTR right now. I think I should have returned it to you before the road trip :(

Crazy Dee Mode???? I will observe the behavior from a distance! Enjoy the family and Florida.


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