Shadow of the Real World

A few musings from Kansas by a high school literature teacher. Over the past few months, this blog has turned a commentary on media. I will probably continue to focus on film and television, but books and music might sneak in... By the way - If you would like me to post on a regular basis - please comment, even if it's just to say, "Hi." If my audience disappears, I lose the motivation to write! Thanks!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

O.C. Marathon

Hi Everyone - I know, it's been ages since I've posted... Life has gotten a little nuts for me. I had a good friend come to visit and she stayed an extra day. (I love the summer! "Jill, I don't want to go home..." "Well then, stay!") It was great. She is living in a somewhat tense environment and what she needed most was a place to relax. I had so much fun providing that place. We just veged out and did nothing. (Except that I re-upholstered a chair while we watched TV.) I'm afraid that I tempted Suzanne with the television equivalent of crack -- The O.C. She got a little addicted and watched the entire first season (27 episodes) in three days. Don't blame Suzanne; she is not the first friend of mine to do this. My best friend from college came up to visit over Spring Break and did exactly the same thing. There is just something about Seth, Ryan, Summer and Marissa. Very addictive! I'm not sure why. The show is sort of a smart, sarcastic 90210 with interesting adult characters and way over the top story lines. I nicknamed Suzanne "Soapy McSudsy" because she kept guessing the plot lines in advance. Too much fun was had by all.

I've been thinking about adding a question and answer section to the blog. I found another blog, TV Tuesday, that asks weekly questions about TV. It's kind of fun. So - I'm going to attempt to answer some of the questions periodically. The answers will be my first thoughts and NOT well thought out... I think I'll add in movies and music to mix it up a bit. I would love it if some of you, dear readers, would answer them also. What are we thinking about media?? :-)

Here's the first set --

1. What is your favorite "Classic" TV show? (Classic is defined as "no longer making new episodes".)

That's easy - Beauty and the Beast starring Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton. It was a modern re-telling of the classic fairy tale. I believe it was on the air from 1989-1991. That's somewhat of a guess.

2. What character from a "Classic" TV show would you like to be?

Maybe Laura Holt from Remington Steele? I don't think I'd want to be Catherine from Beauty and the Beast because THEY NEVER GET TOGETHER!!! (Well, they did, but he didn't remember and then she died.) Aggghhhhh... UST should someday become RST! :-) Of course, there's always Delenn from Babylon 5, Aeryn Sun from Farscape, and B'lanna Torres or Seven of Nine from Voyager (or maybe Deanna Troi?) Hmmmm.... I just can't choose...

3. On which "Classic" TV Show would you have loved to have a walk-on role?

Something with action - maybe Airwolf or Macgyver. Although, any of the Star Treks would have been very cool.

~Bonus~ Can you remember a line you liked from a "Classic" TV show?

Is this a trick question? Which show would you like a line from? How about "Fascinating." or "He's dead, Jim." or "Make it so." (Okay - those are all Star Trek, I've got it on the brain.) See you on the flip side...


At July 23, 2005 11:18 AM, Blogger alethea said...

My So Called Life, Friends, Ellen (the sitcom), Bewitched name a few.

At July 28, 2005 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really liked Happy Days and Lavern and Shirley. I wanted to date Fonzi and felt sorry for Lenny. I want to be Pinki Tuscidero's cousin Leather. "Sit on it, Jill"...=)


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