Trailers and hello
Hi Everyone. Sorry it's been so long. Parent/Teacher conferences are this week, so next week should be great. :-) Actually, I'll just have more time. Here are few trailers for your enjoyment.
Green Street Hooligans - Elijah Wood and British street fighting gangs that are passionate Yes - I've heard quite a bit of good buzz about this one and it's got Charlie Hunnam in it. I've followed his career for several years and have been impressed with him.
The Family Stone - What's not to like other than the poster? (It's a little tacky.) And on a weird note - my best friend's sister's friend's daughter is in it. (Yeah, it took me awhile to figure that out also -- my friend Jessica's sister Trish's friend's daughter plays one of the kids in the family.) I have no idea how to put punctuation in that sentence. I gave up after far too many commas. :-)
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