Shadow of the Real World

A few musings from Kansas by a high school literature teacher. Over the past few months, this blog has turned a commentary on media. I will probably continue to focus on film and television, but books and music might sneak in... By the way - If you would like me to post on a regular basis - please comment, even if it's just to say, "Hi." If my audience disappears, I lose the motivation to write! Thanks!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Shameless attempt to defray expenses

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to point out a little change to my site. As you can see, there is a search engine for Amazon off to side. While I still support the local bookstore, I do buy quite a bit of my media collection online. This is there for your convenience and to hopefully earn a tiny bit of money for me. When I mention a TV show or CD, I usually link to Amazon. With this system, if you decide to purchase that item, a tiny (I mean, tiny...) referral fee gets sent my way. For testing purposes -- here is

Okay - it's not working. I'm going to figure this out later! It's time to head to Radina's for coffee with a friend. That is so much more important, it doesn't even enter the same picture.


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