Shadow of the Real World

A few musings from Kansas by a high school literature teacher. Over the past few months, this blog has turned a commentary on media. I will probably continue to focus on film and television, but books and music might sneak in... By the way - If you would like me to post on a regular basis - please comment, even if it's just to say, "Hi." If my audience disappears, I lose the motivation to write! Thanks!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I have been feeling very blessed over the past week. Some of it I can share and some I can't, but I just wanted to throw out a huge, "Thank you!" to my family, roommates, friends, and the Lord.

A few things that have been extra special lately: I was able to get a new mattress (which was desperately needed) and it arrived on Friday afternoon. I've been sleeping on a cloud, folks! The day before, my grandmother remembered me and my trip to India to visit my sister in a very tangible way. Thanks, Nana! My roommates have been extra terrific lately. (Not that they aren't always great...) Shelley and Rachel, I had a great time hanging out and laughing with you two this weekend.

So - I just wanted to send some thanks out into the blogsphere. God has been so faithful, and He has been using wonderful people to show His love to me. I am blessed.


At December 12, 2006 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh. Props to the roomies! I've enjoyed the laughter and hanging out time too. Let's do it more!


At December 18, 2006 1:34 AM, Blogger Larka said...

Hey wedding girl (we chatted at Correnta's about me stopping by), I am glad you are doing well. Your bed does sound heavenly. It seems a lot of us have been on breaks from blogging, I am way overdue to write. That sounded odd, anyway, Happy Holidays!


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