Shadow of the Real World

A few musings from Kansas by a high school literature teacher. Over the past few months, this blog has turned a commentary on media. I will probably continue to focus on film and television, but books and music might sneak in... By the way - If you would like me to post on a regular basis - please comment, even if it's just to say, "Hi." If my audience disappears, I lose the motivation to write! Thanks!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I made it!

Well, it's Thursday at about 12:00PM, and I'm about ready to go downstairs to have lunch with my sister's landlady. Apparently, she is the best cook in the country. (According to my sister.) :-) Anyway - I've really been enjoying the food so far.

The trip was a little hectic at the beginning. I arrived very, very late on Saturday in the capital city and my sister met me at the airport. It was so awesome to see her face in the crowd outside the baggage area. Then we went to a hotel to spend the night. The hotel was very clean, but out room had five doors. Yes, five. We didn't even discover two of them until the next morning. It was a tad creepy, but everything turnout okay. :-)

We walked to a local market for breakfast and then headed back to the airport to fly to my sister's city. We took a taxi from the airport into town, and I pretty much collapsed at the flat. We unpacked and I tried to hide the unwrapped presents from my sister and bro-in-law. That was a blast!

The next morning was Christmas. We woke up and had an awesome breakfast! (My sister made blueberry scones.) Then we unwrapped presents and relaxed for a tiny bit. The rest of the day was filled with visitors. In India, people come to visit you on your holiday and you have food and conversation ready. I spent most of the day not understanding a word that anyone said. It was a little tiring, but fascinating at the same time. The next day we spent at a Christmas party with some friends of my sister and bro-in-law. They were lovely people, and we all had a lot of fun talking, laughing and eating really good holiday food.

Yesterday was our "Day of Sloth." My sister and I declared that nothing would get accomplished and we would just lay around. It didn't quite work out like that, but almost. :-) It was a good day.

I've got to run -- Auntie-ji and really good food await!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Into the wild blue yonder

Tomorrow at this time I'll be in an airplane and on my way to INDIA!!!! I'm so excited! In addition to getting to see another country with a rich culture and history -- I get to spend some time with my beloved sister and brother-in-law. I can't wait!

Christmas is going to be special this year!

To my faithful readers, I'm sorry I haven't felt much like blogging recently. I'll be trying to get back into the grove in January. I'll return with stories and pictures of my latest adventure across the pond.

Have a merry, merry Christmas...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I have been feeling very blessed over the past week. Some of it I can share and some I can't, but I just wanted to throw out a huge, "Thank you!" to my family, roommates, friends, and the Lord.

A few things that have been extra special lately: I was able to get a new mattress (which was desperately needed) and it arrived on Friday afternoon. I've been sleeping on a cloud, folks! The day before, my grandmother remembered me and my trip to India to visit my sister in a very tangible way. Thanks, Nana! My roommates have been extra terrific lately. (Not that they aren't always great...) Shelley and Rachel, I had a great time hanging out and laughing with you two this weekend.

So - I just wanted to send some thanks out into the blogsphere. God has been so faithful, and He has been using wonderful people to show His love to me. I am blessed.